This summer following our long stay in New London, we journeyed up the Mystic River to the Mystic Seaport Museum for the 1st time ever. We took it slow up the windy and narrow river, but the result was one of the most beautiful sails that Fighter has ever taken….all during this there were many people waving and saying hello, and horns blowing. Once through the two bridges, we landed on the north seawall of the Working Shipyard at Mystic in center view of all the visitors coming through the south entrance amongst working boats of the late 1800s and early 1900s.
We originally were drawn to the seaport for the annual Antique Marine Engine Exhibition, and the folks at Mystic though it was a natural fit for our unique power plant, and many visitors, buffs and seaport staff greeted us with genuine respect and admiration. Afterwards though, the Fighter seemed to fit in as a natural part of the collection and many visitors were drawn to her – standing out amongst other National Landmark ships and exhibits…so much so that nearly 10,400 people visited for a free tour during the one month stay (4500 in New London) and we got to be present for the re-launching of the Mayflower II which drew even more people to the fireboat that weekend.
On September 11th, we moderated a film showing of “Fireboats of 9/11” in the Seaport’s Mason Room, to 40 visitors who asked questions and again thanked us fro bringing such a treasure of a vessel to be in Mystic on this most solemn day. …many people came down that day just to be on the decks of hero ship. In summary, our visit to Mystic allowed us to make new friends at the museum, the town, and many from out of state and other countries. And to top it off we enrolled a few more volunteers too…they loved us and we loved it there.
Thank You Mystic, Mystic Seaport and all our new volunteers and friends….we will see you soon, and every year we get better, so watch for that shiny fireboat coming up the river…we will be sure to blow our horn to let you know we are back!